A Virtual Assistant New Years Resolutions for 2007

Released on = December 20, 2006, 10:30 am

Press Release Author = Diana Ennen

Industry = Small Business

Press Release Summary = The Virtual Assistant Industry is growing by leaps and
bounds with new companies emerging each day. Here are several New Years Resolutions
to help you achieve greater success with your business this year.

Press Release Body = The Virtual Assistant Industry has grown in leaps and bounds
this year and is soon on its way to becoming a household word. It used to be people
would ask, "What is a virtual assistant?" Now, the question is more, "Who is your
virtual assistant?" It brings to mind years past when if you mentioned you were
starting a home-based business, people would look at you like you were nuts. Now
operating a home-based business is not only accepted, but also highly regarded.

This past year, we saw amazing evidence of the power of virtual assistants (VAs)
with more and more media coverage, well-known authors and celebrities singing our
praises, and businesses and corporations alike commenting on how hiring a virtual
assistant has helped them to achieve so much more success in not only their
business, but personal lives as well. Thousands of qualified and dedicated
entrepreneurs stepped up to meet that demand and now join the ranks of being one of
us-a virtual assistant.

When thinking of the VA Industry; brilliance, cutting-edge technology, and enormous
dedication come to mind. This year let's take our Industry to new heights. Let's
keep our proud tradition of being the best, and let's show the world, that they
can't do without us.

Here are several New Years Resolutions to help you achieve greater success with your
business this year:

Resolution #1 -- Make a commitment to get to know two people within your
industry on a more personal level every month. Answer back an e-mail addressed to a
VA group with a personal, "Hi. How are you doing? I'm Diana." Also, become active
on VA boards. If networking locally, introduce yourself at a professional
organization\'s meeting or a conference instead of just being in the background.

Resolution #2 - Take the time to organize your business and make it easier to run on
a daily basis. If you haven't done so already, invest in a 3-ring notebook and put
all the valuable forms you use on a daily basis in there including all your
marketing letters, follow-up client letters, proposals, portfolios, etc. By
customizing these forms now, you have them available when a client contacts you and
are then able to respond to that client immediately with the right professionalism
that will convince them to use your services. Bottom line - You don't have to
reinvent the wheel each time.

If you'd like help on creating some of these forms, consider our latest book, The
WordPerfect OfficeReady Virtual Assistant Solution Pack, available at
http://www.corel.com in their Office Productivity/OfficeReady Template Packs
section. This VA Solution Pack contains a valuable 81 page e-book and over 70
templates you can use on a regular basis to start or grow a successful virtual
assistant business. The Solution Pack was written by Diana Ennen with the help of
several VA Industry leaders including Kelly Poelker, co-author of numerous other VA
Books with Diana Ennen.

Resolution #3 - Define your definition of a virtual assistant. There is so much
talk today on exactly what is a virtual assistant. Spend the time this year to
focus on what you believe a virtual assistant is and what you believe your clients
look for in a virtual assistant. Develop a mission statement with that definition.
Try this, "At (insert your company name), we strive to provide you with the best
(insert what that is) and to always meet and exceed your expectations. We are
committed to (what?). This can be done while enjoying that eggnog this year, not
too spiked of course. By developing your mission statement, you will find clarity,
which will enable you to take your virtual assistant business to the next level.
Also, if you have a mission statement from last year, it's time to rewrite it and
include where you are today with your business.

Resolution #4 - Get the steps to success down in writing. For those that have read
our book, Virtual Assistant - The Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After
VA, you might benefit with our new VA The Series Workbook. It takes you step by
step through operating a successful VA business, listing all your goals, development
ideas, and also drives home exactly what you want your business to be. When you see
it in writing, it helps you see where you want to go and how you want to get there.

Resolution #5 - Make an effort to keep your company name out there. Send out
regular press releases, articles, newsletters, post cards, thank you notes, and
frequent follow-up. Not only can this help your Google status, but it also gains
you credibility as an expert.

As virtual assistants, being able to work without global boundaries has enabled us
to work with clients anywhere. These steps can help you find the right balance for
your business so that 2007 is more prosperous than ever.

We wish you the best of luck in the coming year. May it be your best year ever with
success, happiness, and the right family/work balance that allows you to enjoy every
day with peace and serenity. Stop by any of our sites for additional information on
how you too can become a successful Virtual Assistant.
http://www.virtualwordpublishing.com and http://www.virtualassistantstartups.com

Web Site = http://www.virtualwordpublishing.com

Contact Details = Diana Ennen
PO Box 938504
Margate, FL 33093

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